Was Thomas Jefferson Jewish or Palestinian?


Recent genetic analysis has presented a surprising theory regarding the ancestral heritage of Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s most prominent Founding Fathers. Research conducted by Family Tree DNA, along with insights from acclaimed geneticist Spencer Wells, places Jefferson’s origin and to Canaan.

Jefferson’s Y-chromosome, specifically identified as T-BY78550, a subclade of T-PF7444, traces its roots to the Middle Eastern North African (MENA) region.

Canaan Today

Today, Canaan refers to a historical region that roughly corresponds to parts of present-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. The term “Canaan” has ancient roots and appears frequently in biblical and archaeological contexts, often associated with the early Semitic-speaking peoples who inhabited the area.

In modern times, the specific boundaries and political divisions of the region have evolved significantly. The land historically known as Canaan is now inhabited by diverse populations and is subject to the jurisdiction of different nations and entities.

Israel and Palestine, in particular, lay claim to much of the territory that was once considered part of ancient Canaan. The region remains a focal point of geopolitical tension and conflict, with ongoing disputes over land, resources, and national sovereignty.

Lebanon and Syria also encompass parts of the historical Canaanite territory, each with its own distinct cultural, religious, and political landscape.



Prince Ashton James Snow Jefferson

King Powhatan X. 5th great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the USA. Oku-Mankon Prince of Cameroon. Redbone, Chicano, and Indian. विवल्.